The Brew

My photo
Jesus has blessed me with a joyful life. I married my best friend on July 10th, 2010, I help with a new church in Keller called RealChurch, and I am an assistant Preschool Teacher. My life may be pretty average, but I feel it's worth sharing and bragging on God for all he's done and going to do!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Transformation: From Something Old to Something NEW!!

Last Monday I (Becky) had this strong urge to get a new (old) desk. I had been looking at home decoration websites all week, and wanted to get started on a project. Since it was Labor Day, and I didn't have to work, I went out to a Goodwill near Jearen's work and browsed for something hopeful. I came across an old desk, with a little shelf/organizer on it, and thought, "This may work." It was only $30. One thing I did NOT want to do, was spend a lot of money for a desk. I mean, we already had one that was just fine. But I wanted a more unique desk look. I took a picture of the desk, put it on Facebook, and asked if anyone knew how to fix it up. Well, I leave to go shopping elsewhere, and wait for Jearen to get off work so, I could get his opinion (the one that mattered the most!!) We drive over to the Goodwill, and low and behold, someone bought the dang thing! It had barely been two hours! I was heartbroken for a few minutes, haha. Then Jearen decided we would drive to 2 other stores, and with 15 minutes till closing, we found the one! We bought the lucky desk for $50. The next day Jearen and our friend Chris went to pick up the desk, then we went to Chilis to watch the RANGERS!! Then, our little purchase went from DRAB TO FAB!! Here's how it all went in our refinishing...

The desk was heavy with the drawers! But this is the BEFORE

Then we scrapped the old paint off

Jearen then sanded down the desk
Half way done with sanding

Finally came the staining, then polyurethane.


The new & improved desk!

Jearen picked out this lamp for me, I love it!
(We also changed the handles from an old gold, and bought new stainless steel ones from Home Depot) you have the desk area BEFORE....

And here you have it AFTER!!!

That's our little project! Hope it inspires YOU to find one man's trash & turn it into your own treasure!

Till next time, Jearen & Becky Myers

P.S.- Jearen did SO MUCH of the dirty work with the desk. I am so proud of him & I think he did a great job! Let him know he did good :)!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Texas Tech vs. OSU

This past weekend, Jearen & I drove out to Lubbock, TX to attend a Texas Tech game! We were both excited, him for the game, and me for all the pictures we would take, and boy did we take some good ones! On Friday morning we left our apartment around 6 am, and hit the road- all 5 hours of it. Thankfully, we have wonderful neighbors who offered us to watch Cooper while we were gone. Talk about a blessing! As soon as we got into Lubbock we made our way to the Athletic Facility where we meet up with my friend Sarah McElroy. She works in the Athletic Department, and offered to give us a tour of everything. Wow- we were excited, because not only did we get to walk through all the football meeting rooms, locker room, and by some coaches offices, but we got to walk out on the field too! Maybe it's not that big of a deal, but to us, it was definetly a highlight of our trip! We took some pictures, learned some history, and I got some inside scoop on football, haha. We headed back to Sarah's office since she was about to be off, and right before we left for lunch, out walks Sarah with a picture of Coach Tubberville with his autograph, and To: Jearen and Becky "Guns Up" on it. YAY!

Then we decided to shop around the campus at the spirit shops for some Tech gear. We found a game shirt we wanted, but decided we would come back for it later. Little did we know that it would be sold out, and take HOURS before getting a new shipment in again. So what did we do? Shopped at the little mall in Lubbock, lol, ate lunch, and headed back to buy the T-shirt. Almost 2 hours later, we got the shirst we stood in the store for! Man, my feet were tired, but it was worth it. Then we meet up with Sarah @ Buffalo Wild Wings to catch the Rangers Game (!!! GO RANGERS!!!!). We had a good time, but had to get on the road to head to Jearen's Aunt Tammy's house for the night (an hour drive away). When we arrived we watched the end of a CRAZY game, then hit the hay.

The next morning was gameday, and before we left we enjoyed a nice lunch with Tammy & Mike. They were so sweet to us and were another blessing on this trip! Then around 1pm, we headed out to the game.

The game itself was a blast to watch! We had AWESOME seats, 50 yrd line, 7 rows back. It was perfect. We were both sportin' Tech, the weather was nice, and well, I was mainly happy that Jearen got to be at the game. Having married into being a Tech Fan, I'm happy to support my man :)!

THANK YOU Sarah McElroy, Tahrick Peak (#58), Aunt Tammy & Uncle Mike, Our neighbor Barbara, and RANGERS for winning Saturday night! Great weekend!

---Stay tuned for our desk refinishing project & photos------

Sunday, August 22, 2010


It seems like everytime I get on facebook lately, I get jealous. Either from some newlywed bragging on how great their marriage is, or someone bragging about their walk with God. Ugh. What bugs me most is rather than just reading it and moving on, I start comparing myself to them. It's so silly. So I decided, and by the Lord's strength, I'm going to spend LESS time on Facebook, and let my priorities be where they should, my relationship with God, and my relationship with my husband. You may read this and think, wow, that's a little extreme don't ya say?! But who cares. I'm just thankful Jesus revealed this challenge to me, because I think I needed it. So farewell facebok, and hello living!

This beautiful sky was on my way to church this morning :)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cribs: Myers Edition

It's been a while since I've posted a blog, but now that the wedding is over, our apartment is set up, and were getting into this new routine, I find it fitting to share what our place looks like now. I moved in back in April, and have worked on decorating ever since. Once the wedding was over, and Jearen moved in, we were able to finish decorating this cute place. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our new place. Oh, and I've been improving my cooking, so it won't be long before you're invited over for dinner :)!
-Becky Myers

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

God Provides!

This may sound as something so small, but it is HUGE for Jearen and I. So before I begin this story of how God provided for us, let me just start off by saying: I WORRY. It is a flaw of mine, I'll admit. I worry far more than I should, about little things. I have for the longest time, and I'm slowly working on it with God's help. With that being said, I can now share my story. Jearen and I have been looking online for an apartment to live in once we're married for a while. I would say a few months. Jearen will be done with school for the semester at the end of April, so we knew that we wanted to get him an apartment by the beginning of May, and I will move in when we get back from our Honeymoon.

The past couple of weeks we had really been digging deep into apartment hunting through the web, and found quiet a selection to choose from. We set a date to go look at apartments, April 17th, and waited till that day came. The week leading up to our Apartment hunting, I was under so much stress & worry. I would cry easily and felt defeated and overwhelmed. I had a fear that either A, we wouldn't find a good apartment in a decent area, or B, we wouldn't be able to afford to live up in the Metroplex and would have to move back to Stephenville. Now don't get me wrong, we had the opportunity to live in an apartment at a really great price in my home town, but we wanted to stay up here because of my job and the church we are helping with. So as I was stressing, I was also praying. A LOT! I knew God provides for those who trust in him, yet I was having such a hard time applying that to our situation. Jearen and I prayed and prayed, and on the day we went to go look at apartments, we had peace. I remember getting in the car and saying "What if God has the perfect place for us and it's the last place we see today!" Guess what....that's exactly what happened!

As we started the day, we drove to the first apartment on our list that we had narrowed down (6 total). Before we walked in, I got nervous. I think the realization that we were going to pick out our future home once we were married hit me at that moment, so we prayed before getting out. We went in, looked around, and when we got back in the car, I asked for Jearen's thoughts. He said "It's not THE ONE." So I said ok, and I trust him. As the day went on, each apartment got a little better, and we were starting to see some that we were interested in. When we reached the last few, there was an excitement. We looked at a small apartment, which we liked, then we looked at a bigger apartment, which we didn't like, then we looked at the biggest apartment of the day, and we were ready to discuss. We went to Jack in the Box, and put it all out on the table. I threw away all the applications/brochures of the apartments we knew were not for us, and then we were between two. Both of these were in the same location, a 9 hole golf course that has many apartments on it. Both were in our price range. We drove back over to the apartments and drove around them weighing out the pros and cons. Finally, we drove to the apartment office. I was sooo giddy. I asked Jearen which apartment he wanted to go with. He asked me the same thing. I didn't want to say because I was nervous again, this time with excitement. So he got out one of the brochures, and told me to write down which one I wanted. I just laughed. So he wrote down his pick, then had me do the same. I wrote down Firestone, only to accidently close the pamplet on the page he wrote on, which also said Firestone. That was it! So we went inside and talked to the lady helping us. We filled out our paperwork to apply for the apartment, and left. We were so excited, and the apartment wasn't even ours yet, haha.

The next day we drove to the apartment so I could turn in my pay stubs of the last two months. We weren't sure if we were going to qualify, and the lady wasn't sure either. What did we do Monday? We waited and went on with life. Oh, and we also decided not to use a co-signer, so instead of having a small deposit, we would have to pay $300 for a deposit. So now we were really unsure of getting approved, because of finances & neither of us had rented before. AND THEN GOD PROVIDED!! This morning I prayed before going into work that we would be approved for the apartment. I went to work, and around 11:50 I get a phone call from Jearen. I called him back on my break and he said that the lady from the apartment called, and said we were approved. But not only did we get approved, but because we have such good credit, we don't have to put down a deposit. TALK ABOUT A BLESSING!! Jearen and I were so happy to get that news!! This may be very small to other people, but to us, we KNOW it is God providing for our every need, and we are so thankful. Sure, there are still tons more things that have to get done, and more obstacles, but we know we will get through them with God.

Our 913 sq. foot HOME :)

And that my friends, is our little story of God's blessings.
-Becky...p.s- I CAN'T WAIT TO DECORATE!!!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Keller, TX

As of right now, I have been living in Keller for 28 days. It was a quick move, and I only had to pack clothes and cosmetic stuff, because I am living at someone's house. Not just anyone, but a family that loves God, each other, and everyone they are around. Jimmy & Priscilla (Parents of the house) use to be Jearen's youth pastors back in the day, and are still very much a part of Jearen's life. They are now pastoring Real Church, a church plant I have mentioned on facebook a lot. The church is in Keller, and is running out of a dance studio. We have only had one service so far, and are having another one March 14th, but our LAUNCH SERVICE will be EASTER SUNDAY!! Jearen and I are on the Leadership Team for Real Church, and have gotten to see God's blessings all over this church! We can't wait to see all that will happen and see God love on the people of Keller. So back to my new living arrangements. The reason I live with Jimmy & Priscilla is because I got a job at the Early Child Development Center for the Grapevine/Colleyville District. I started off as a floater, going from infant room, to toddlers, to two year olds, and pre school kiddos, but now I am Priscilla's assistant caregiver (official title as my badge says) in the Pre-K room. I NEVER would have thought I would be a Pre-K teacher, but I am loving it!! Eventually, my dream job would be a speech or a radio/tv/film class for highschool, but for right now, I know Pre-K is where God's placed me, and I'm happy with that! Those kids are so funny! And I LOVE that they have nap times! The drive to work is about 30 minutes, but it's great and doesn't feel very long when I'm driving. Another thing, I started off on a futon upstairs in the playroom, but now I share a room with Lacie, who also lives here/works at the ECDC/and is helping with the church. I love having American Idol nights Tuesday & Wednesday with the fam, then ladies bible study Thursday nights. My weekends are usually packed with Church Meetings and whatnot, but I enjoy it. I get to be around an awesome team, my fiance, and grow a bigger heart for Keller and the people in it!! This season in my life is just what I needed, and it is definitely challenging and is helping me grow!

On a side note, since being here, I have had some type of sickness- with my nose & throat, got an eye infection today, and thought I was dying like 3 or 4 times. But all is well! Haha. Seriously though, a verse that I remind myself of is Habbakkuk 3:17-19. Read it and enjoy! :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Brooklyn, NY

My Uncle Keith, who was a loving, selfless, follower of Christ went home to Heaven. My family traveled to New York for the funeral, and was blessed to spend time with family that we haven't seen in quiet some time (19 years for me!!). Enjoy the pictures.

Kaleb and Noah at the airport.

Chicago Pizza


Thank you for the greeting, New York!

Jearen giving New York his Texas Welcome.

Cela & I at the airport.

Ashley, Cela, and I headed to Brooklyn.

I'm creeping on Noah :)

Bridge in Brooklyn...not to be confused with the Brooklyn Bridge!

Jearen in Brooklyn!

Cody & Noah in Brooklyn

Just some of the family.

Eddie & Ashley in Brooklyn

Me & Jearen

Aunt Carolyn & Ashley

Backyard B-ball

Headed from Brooklyn to NYC

Ground Zero

Cody & Ashley at Ground Zero